's 2015 New Year's Eve hotel pricing and availability for top15 destination cities worldwide -

DUBAI, UAE - Hotel search engine,, announced its data on pricing and availability for Dec. 31, 2014, for the top 15 New Year's Eve destination cities around the world. Additional information was also available for Amsterdam, Berlin, and Vienna; these cities had some of the highest hotel room occupancy rates on New Year's Eve this year.


The results of Hoteloogle's research were interesting and demonstrate the value of a reliable hotel search engine in finding the best deals during high season holidays and at any time of year.

Hoteloogle helps travelers find the best hotel rooms at the best prices in popular destinations around the world. The data collected by Hoteloogle for New Year's Eve is typical of the advanced research performed by the search engine staff to ensure that their users enjoy the most comprehensive pricing and availability information when planning their trips throughout the year.


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